Mitigation Design
Mitigation projects are often completed as restoration of a coastal resource areas (as shown above), however, in some cases mitigation plantings may be designed to suit a particular property, project or client.
DURING: Newly planted native shrubs within mitigation area.
mitigation Planting
Date: 2015 - present
Scope: Native plantings designed to mitigate for an expansion of impervious surface within a wetland resource area on the property.
Location: Eastham, MA
Mitigation Planting
Date: 2014 - 2017
Scope: Native plantings designed to mitigate for a structural addition on the property, invasive species removal, seeding, split rail fence construction.
Location: Chatham, MA
Mitigation Planting
Date: 2013 - 2016
Scope: Invasive species removal and mitigation planting design within resource area buffers, designed to meet regulation performance standards and be an attractive backdrop within client's backyard.
Location: Chatham, MA